
AdHoc Logo

The Gist: It’s Getting Hot in Here

May 16, 2024 | The Gist

Katie MacDonald is interviewed by Jim Kapsis, CEO of the Ad Hoc group in their June 2024 newsletter, The Gist. “We don’t have a single net-zero-equivalent target metric when it comes to adaptation and resilience and we never will! But we need to quantify what resilience success looks like so we know what direction to …
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Tailwind Enters the Taxonomy Arena

May 20, 2024 | ClimateProof

Is this the one taxonomy to rule them all?  I’ve been sassy about the explosion of adaptation and resilience (A&R) investment taxonomies this year, arguing that there’s been too much focus on classifying A&R companies and activities and too little on encouraging investors to embrace the theme. But as I’ve come to learn, clear, comprehensive investment taxonomies are a …




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