Author: Emilie

  • VERGE 2024: Deploying Climate Tech at Scale

    VERGE 2024: Deploying Climate Tech at Scale
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    VERGE 24 (Oct. 29-31, San Jose, CA) is the center of gravity for professionals deploying climate tech at scale. Join Tailwind and over 6,000 sustainability professionals to explore emerging trends, take stock of new technologies, and work to accelerate the speed and scale of impact. Register before August 9 to get $400 off the Final… Read more

  • Closing the Adaptation Finance Gap

    Closing the Adaptation Finance Gap
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    In May, climate proofers from across the world gathered in New York for Adapt Unbound USA, a pioneering conference on the emerging adaptation economy. Experts from tech, finance, and policy held forth on topics ranging from how to prepare cities for climate change to building industry-wide collaborations. ClimateProof’s Louie Woodall moderated the last panel of the… Read more

  • The ‘relentless optimism’ of investing in adaptation

    The ‘relentless optimism’ of investing in adaptation
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    “We need adaptation and resilience solutions not only to protect ourselves, but to envision how humanity can thrive on the planet.”  Read the full story, quoting Katie MacDonald. Read more

  • Adaptation & Mitigation: New Innovation & Venturing Opportunities for a 2° World

    Adaptation & Mitigation: New Innovation & Venturing Opportunities for a 2° World
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    Looking forward to connecting with the leaders, ideas, and key players in the ecosystem to discuss the interplay between adaptation and mitigation in Boston, September 10, 2024. Join us for this one-day event and join the conversation with 100+ sustainable innovation leaders and visionaries as they identify and assess the opportunity sets and discuss how… Read more

  • SoCap 2024

    SoCap 2024
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    Join Tailwind at SoCap 2024! SOCAP serves as one of the world’s largest gatherings for the impact ecosystem driving market-based solutions to the world’s most pressing issues. More information on SoCap 24. Read more

  • The Gist: It’s Getting Hot in Here

    The Gist: It’s Getting Hot in Here
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    Katie MacDonald is interviewed by Jim Kapsis, CEO of the Ad Hoc group in their June 2024 newsletter, The Gist. “We don’t have a single net-zero-equivalent target metric when it comes to adaptation and resilience and we never will! But we need to quantify what resilience success looks like so we know what direction to… Read more

  • Tailwind Enters the Taxonomy Arena

    Tailwind Enters the Taxonomy Arena
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    Is this the one taxonomy to rule them all?  I’ve been sassy about the explosion of adaptation and resilience (A&R) investment taxonomies this year, arguing that there’s been too much focus on classifying A&R companies and activities and too little on encouraging investors to embrace the theme. But as I’ve come to learn, clear, comprehensive investment taxonomies are a… Read more

  • Podcast: Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference

    Podcast: Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference
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    In episode 206 of America Adapts, the podcast partnered with Battelle for their third annual Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference, ICR24. Keynote speakers and attendees join the pod to share their experiences in climate adaptation and also discuss highlights from the conference. Experts in this Episode: Listen to the podcast: Read more

  • Greenomics Ep. 10 | Out of the frying pan? Climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.

    Greenomics Ep. 10 | Out of the frying pan? Climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.
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    How does extreme heat affect human health and the economy, and what is being done about it? Shilpita Mathews, Senior Economist at Oxford Economics, joins our host Sarah Nelson to discuss adaptation. Shilpita speaks to guests Jane Gilbert, Chief Heat Officer of Miami-Dade County and Emilie Mazzacurati the Co-founder and Managing Partner of Tailwind about… Read more

  • Adaptation Pioneer Interview – Tailwind

    Adaptation Pioneer Interview – Tailwind
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    ‘Unbound Showcase’ on LinkedIn Pulse is a globe-spanning series of interviews with pioneers of the adaptation and resiliency industry. We’re questioning innovators, business leaders, policymakers, academics, buyers and investors taking on the challenge of our lifetime – ensuring global resiliency in the face of climate change. Today’s interview is with Katie MacDonald, Co-founder of the… Read more